It’s no longer enough just to have a website. These aren’t just electronic business cards anymore where you send people to get more information about your business. Your business needs a customized and coordinated assault on the search engines to get the results you really need. “Build it and they will come” is long gone as far as websites AND pay-per-click campaigns go. Either you’re wasting your time up front or you’re wasting time and money on a monthly basis. Either way, you’re going to lose your shirt if you don’t take the time to learn at least the basics of search engine optimization and pay per click. Then, there’s Google Analytics. You also need to learn how to review your stats and take action on the information presented. Is Google Analytics a Waste of Time? Absolutely, if you’re just happy staring at the reports. However, we can help you look at those reports and extract actionable information.
We invest the time to understand your business, your customers, and your competitors to devise a plan that will both increase your traffic and increase your conversion rates. We don’t just make empty promises either. We provide detailed reporting and statistics around the success of our campaigns. Your ads and conversion rates are analyzed and optimized daily. If something isn’t working, we change it. If something IS working, we duplicate it. We do not want to be a money drain for your company; We want to be an investment in the future success of your company by increasing your visibility on the Internet.
Our process is broken down into 4 main phases:
- Research and Discovery – We analyze your market, keywords, competition, and customer behavior.
- Planning – We develop a comprehensive plan to dominate your market through appropriate advertising channels.
- Execution – We implement the right resources with the right experience to execute your plan.
- Measurement and Reporting – Frequent reporting is key to ensuring we are meeting the goals you have set forth.
If you’d like to learn more about our services, please take a look at the pages below: