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The BusinessHut blog covers a variety of technology topics such as Excel, SQL, and Internet Marketing. If you’d like to see us write about a specific topic, feel free to drop us a line.
How to Install Windows PowerShell for SQL 2008 R2
Powershell is required for the installation of SQL Server 2008 R2, but it was surprisingly difficult trying to find the right installation files…
An Excel Macro to Generate SQL Insert Statements
A handy vba Macro that you can run from Excel to turn a spreadsheet into a series of SQL Insert statements…
Excel Macro for the SEOmoz Free LinkScape API
An Excel macro that utilizes the SEOmoz LinkScape API to return rankings for several websites…
Excel VLookup Function
The best guide on the internet for how to use Excel’s VLookup function. It’s not hard, and this guide will make it even easier…
How to Start Using Facebook Ads
If you haven’t started yet, now is the time to start using Facebook Ads. Google AdWords is great, but to cover the market, you need to be on Facebook as well.